Sunday, February 8, 2009


We competed against UNLV yesterday and it was a good showing for UNM Diving. We placed 1,2,3,5 on both 1 meter and 3 meter. 

Sasha, won 1 meter with a score of 288.98 and was 3rd on 3 meter. She was consistent but not completely on. She had a good meet and looks good for conference. 
Alex, is diving better and better everyday. She was the only one diver not to qualify to the NCAA Zones until yesterday. She earned her score on 1 meter (285.59). 
Aubrey, has been on the injury list for a few weeks. She's getting better and I'm confident that she'll be ready for conference. 
Gabby, is my surprise weapon. She came with no 3 meter experience and this could be her best event. She's a strong 1 meter diver and I know she'll perform well in the meets to come.

The team as a whole is starting to look good and I'm pleased where they are at the moment. As we gear up for Conference well be focusing on cleaning up our dives and looking sharp on the end. 

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