Monday, October 26, 2009

Good & Busy Times

The last couple of days have been busy. Last Thursday we had our baby boy, Rio. And on Saturday we had our 1st diving meet.

Rio was born Thursday at 8:22pm and he weighed 7 lbs 5 oz and is 20 3/4 inches long. He's doing well and so is Leanne. She is anxious to start running and becoming more active. We would like to thank all of you for your prayers and thoughts.

The UNM Diving team began with a bang. We competed against CSU, SDSU, and AFA. On 3m we went 1,3,4,5,13 and on 1m we went 2,3,4,5,13. Unfortunately the girls had to travel without me because I was in the hospital with Leanne and Rio. They had a great showing and I am extremely proud that they were able to go to this meet and do well without a coach.

I think all the girls are looking strong. We've been working on take offs and tops and now we need to start working on the bottoms of each dive. It's still early in the season so we have time for the girls to start figuring out the bottoms and putting rips on the end. Unfortunately, our sport weighs highly on entry so that's what we'll be working on. So you know where the girls are and what they're working on....

Sasha's list:
1m- 105c, 203b, 303b, 403b, 5132d, 5225d (working on other twisters)
3m- 105b, 205c, 305c, 405c, 5134d, 5233d (working on other twisters)

Alex's list:
1m- 105c, 203b, 303b, 403b, 5132d, 5233d
3m- 105b, 205c, 305c, 405c, 5134d, 5233d (working on 5152b)
platform- 105c (5m), 203b (5m), 405c (10m), 5132d (5m), 612b (5m)
(will be working on 107c (10m), 5152b (10m))

Gabby's list:
1m- 105b, 203b, 303b, 403b, 5223d, 5225d (working on 5134d, 5233d, 5333d)
3m- 105b, 205c, 305c, 403b, 405c, 5134d (working on 5152b, 205b, 305b, 405b)

Aubrey's list:
1m- 105c, 203b, 303b, 403b, 5132d, 5231d (working on 5233d, 5333d)
3m- 105b, 205c, 305c, 403b, 405c, 5233d (working on 5152b, 205b, 305b, 405b)
Platform- 107c(10m), 205b (10m), 305c (10m), 405c (10m), 5251b (10m)
(will be working on 207c (10m), 407c (10m), 5253b (10m)).

Stephanie's list:
1m- 105c, 203b, 303c, 403c, 5132d, 5223d (working on 303b)
3m- 105b, 203b, 303c, 403b, 404c, 5233d (working on 205c, 305, 405c)

Our next meet is Home against Northern Colorado @ 5 pm. If you're in town we invite you to attend. The meet will take place in the Johnson Pool on the UNM campus. See you there.

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