Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What a week!!!

Wow, a lot has happened in the last week.
I'll start with our meet against BYU. The girls had another great showing. Gabby won 1m and Aubrey was 3rd on 3m.
At Utah Gabby won 1m again and we went 2,3,4,6 on 3m.

These 2 meets were Friday and Saturday. It was a fast 2 days. We flew in on Friday and competed in Provo that night and the following morning we competed against Utah and then we flew home that evening. I think it's difficult to travel and compete 2 days in a row. Even though all the girls did well.

At this point in the season, I think the girls are diving consistently. We still have a long season ahead of us so this is a good marker for the girls. We have another meet against NMSU and Wyoming this Saturday. This will be another great meet. I would have to say Wyoming and BYU have the strongest teams in our conference so this should be a great turnout.

If you're in town please come out and support the UNM Divers and Swimmers.

None diving related, I have to mention something about our women's UNM Soccer team and student-athlete, Elizabeth Lambert. I personally know our soccer team and they are a bunch of great girls. When I initially saw the infamous ESPN clip on our UNM Soccer team I was shocked. However being the person I am, I had to look into this further. If you watch the clips closer you'll see the BYU girls giving cheap shots. The hair incident, well that was bad, however if you look closely, you'll see the BYU girl tugging and pulling at her crotch. I'm not saying Elizabeth's actions were right. I just want to say that in order for Elizabeth to do something like this, she had to have been seriously provoked. If you know soccer, you know there's pushing and shoving involved. What I would like to see, is the entire game at a wide angle view to see it all unfold.


Montana said...

Elizabeth Lambert is a junior at the University of New Mexico, and plays for their soccer team the Lobos originally from California (too bad for California). So, this loser knows they are going in to a game that they will most likely lose and since they do not have the talent to score they resort to this kind of play, it has very minor thought to it than let’s say passisng the ball through your opponents defense and scoring a goal.

The other issue is the where were the referees, were they all older white men with their tongues out, enamored and unable to call the game objectively (this game had so many penalties that did not get called), I mean what are they getting paid to do. Who has paid these guys off? Do we have to change the game where only women referees can call women games. After watching the video someone was paid off, that is my conclusion.

And Lizzy, watch you back and please stay out of soccer (you real should be banned, the game does not need people like you in it), so many will be gunning for you now. Who knows maybe you were just drumming up business for your “Occupational Therapy practice”, yah good luck with that, I doubt your bed side manner is any different from your sportsmanship.

Abel Sanchez - Diving Coach said...

Whom ever wrote this obviously doesn't know much about soccer nor the people they write about.